Competency Model


Core Curriculum Domains and Competencies

Healthcare Environment


Policy and Advocacy

能够有效地参与当地有关卫生政策的讨论, state and federal levels.

Critical Thinking and Analysis

The ability to assess the authenticity, accuracy and worth of knowledge claims, beliefs, 或者根据观察和信息得出合理的结论.

Innovative Thinking

Ability to apply complex concepts, develop creative solutions, or adapt previous solutions in new ways.


Ability to analyze and design, or improve, an organizational process, 包括纳入病人安全的原则, quality and continuous improvement.

Strategic Orientation

Ability to consider the business, demographic, ethno-cultural, political, 以及决策和发展战略的监管含义,不断提高组织的长期成功和生存能力.



Project Management


Financial Skills

能够理解和解释财务和会计信息, prepare and manage budgets, 并做出合理的长期投资决策.

Human Resources Management

能够实施代表当代最佳实践的员工发展和其他管理实践, 遵守法律法规要求, optimize the performance of the work force, including performance assessments, 可选择的补偿和福利方法, 以及人力资源实践和流程的一致性,以满足组织的战略目标.

Information Technology Management



能够理解和解释组织运作的监管和行政环境.g., CMS; JCI; NCQA; antitrust; Stark I and II). 包括理解和解释公司合规法律法规的能力.g.、医生招聘、计费和编码实践、反垄断、利益冲突等.).

Performance Measurement

Ability to understand and use statistical, economic, epidemiological, and financial methods and metrics to set goals and measure clinical as well as organizational performance; commitment to and employment of evidence-based techniques.

Community Orientation

能够调整自己和组织的优先事项,并以循证和整体的方式评估和解决社区健康需求, i.e., one that addresses the physical, mental, 社区的社会和精神需求, with the goal of providing the best care, at the lowest price for all.

Professionalism and Ethics

展示道德和良好的专业实践, 以及促进社会责任和社区管理. 以一种与自己的价值观和言行一致的方式行事的愿望很重要.

Communication Skills

Ability to speak and write in a clear, logical, 以及在正式和非正式场合的语法方式,并准备令人信服的商务报告.

Interpersonal Understanding

理解他人的能力,以及准确地听到和理解未说出或部分表达的想法的能力, feelings, and concerns of others. 它衡量的是对他人理解的复杂性和深度,包括跨文化敏感性.


作为团队或团体的一部分与他人合作的能力, 包括对团队表现出积极的态度, its members, 以及完成任务的能力, 以及有效解决冲突的能力.

Impact and influence

说服他人(个人或团体)支持某一观点的能力, position, or recommendation.

Team Leadership

将自己视为他人领导者的能力, 从组建一支拥有平衡能力的顶级团队到设定任务, values, and norms, 以及让团队成员对个人和团队的结果负责.


自信:相信自己有能力完成任务并选择解决任务或问题的有效方法. 这包括在日益具有挑战性的环境中对自己能力的信心,以及对自己的决定或观点的信心.


对超越卓越标准的关注. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (results orientation); outperforming others (competitiveness); challenging goals, 或者以前没有做过的事情(创新).


Ability to identify a problem, obstacle, 或机会,并根据这种识别采取行动,以解决当前或未来的问题或机会. 主动行动应该放在主动做事的背景下看待,而不是简单地考虑未来的行动. 这一比额表的时间范围从处理当前情况转向对未来的机会或问题采取行动.